Ligurian “frisceu” (typical fritters – quick version)

The week starts with work but ends with… friends! This evening I’m preparing something special for my friends.. a delicious and easy  diner with these fritters!   MAKES 15 “FRISCEU” READY IN 1h 10 ‘(10’ preparation, 60’stand)   INGREDIENTS ½ oz brewer’s yeast mixed with 2 tablespoons water 9 oz lukewarm water 2 pinches salt […]

Spinach dumplings with cheese lava

Traditional dumplings are made of bread and meat, this one is a veggie and delicious version with spinach and a yummy cheese filling!! MAKES 10 DUMPLINGS READY IN 45’ (15’preparation, 15’rest, 15’ cooking)   INGREDIENTS 1 tablespoon onion, chopped 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon olive oil 4 oz spinach   9 oz stale bread, cubed […]